What are the After-Effects of Bariatric Surgery?

What are the After-Effects of Bariatric Surgery?
Bariatric surgery, also known as stomach reduction, is a procedure aimed at treating problems related to excessive body weight.

Although it brings positive gains to the health of both the body and mind of the person who undergoes surgery, it can also cause various after-effects, but little is talked about it. For this reason, we will discuss everything you need to know about bariatric surgery throughout this article.

Follow the reading to find out what bariatric surgery is, what are the side effects after surgery, as well as the possible after-effects of this procedure and how to deal with them.

Are there After-Effects of Bariatric Surgery?
Bariatric surgery is complex and can have complications and after-effects, especially because it changes the patient's physiology. So, check out now what the downside of bariatric surgery could be.

Nutritional Deficiency
The human body needs nutrients that are obtained through food. As bariatric surgery can significantly reduce food intake and/or interfere with nutrient absorption, it is extremely important to be careful with possible nutritional deficiencies.

Some nutrients deserve special attention in this regard, due to the form and location where they are absorbed, and also the type of technique used also increases the chances of nutritional deficiencies.

Although gastric bypass is the most commonly used and most effective procedure, there are already studies showing that there is greater nutrient deficiency in patients undergoing this surgery compared to other techniques.

Iron is a mineral responsible for various functions in the body and its shortage can lead to anemia. In the case of women, this deserves even greater attention, as there is a loss of this nutrient during the menstrual period.

The need for greater attention with regard to iron is because this nutrient needs an acidic environment to be transformed into a form that is easier to absorb, and this usually occurs in the stomach.

Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is important for the nervous system and its deficiency can cause brain problems. There is also a type of anemia caused by cobalamin deficiency called pernicious anemia.

In the stomach there is a protein called intrinsic factor that is responsible for facilitating the absorption of Vitamin B12, but people who undergo bariatric surgery no longer have this protein or have a lower amount than necessary.

Calcium is a mineral that is fundamental to bone health and is also part of other processes in the body. Its deficiency increases the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

Like iron, calcium needs an acidic environment like the stomach to facilitate its absorption. So, people who undergo bariatric surgery may have a calcium deficiency due to difficulty in absorbing it.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption. Although it is a vitamin obtained from exposure to sunlight, it is also possible to ingest Vitamin D through food.

The location of this vitamin's absorption is the small intestine, and as we saw, in the gastric bypass technique, which is the most commonly used, a part of the intestine is no longer used, so there is a greater risk of Vitamin D deficiency.

Possible loss of memory and concentration
Remember that we mentioned that Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause brain problems? But it's not just her, other B complex vitamins like thiamine and pyridoxine are important for the nervous system and patients who undergo bariatric surgery may have deficiencies.

Problems such as fatigue, memory loss, difficulty concentrating and irritability in patients who underwent bariatric surgery have been observed in articles and are related to vitamin deficiencies.

Other After-Effects
In addition to nutritional deficiencies, bariatric surgery may have other after-effects, such as:

Side Effects After Surgery
Currently, there are scientific studies showing that some complications can occur after bariatric surgery, the most common:

Fistula, which is an abnormal connection between different organs or structures, for example, when a vein connects to an artery. In patients who underwent bariatric surgery, this can cause pulmonary embolism and lead to difficulties breathing.

Gastrointestinal bleeding can also occur, as well as incorrect reconstruction of the Roux loop in the case of bypass, as well as intestinal obstruction, diarrhea, vomiting, infections, and stenoses (narrowing of a channel, can occur in arteries, for example).

How to deal with the after-effects of bariatric surgery?
Bariatric surgery can help a lot in weight loss and thus improve quality of life, but it is a procedure that deserves redoubled care, especially after surgery.

It is important to have professional follow-up with a doctor, nutritionist and psychologist to deal with metabolic, nutritional and psychological after-effects.

In this sense, as we saw throughout this article, bariatric surgery is directly related to food intake and nutrient absorption, for this reason, supplementation is recommended.

Polyvitamin and mineral supplementation should be maintained for the rest of life after gastric reduction surgery, specially for the following nutrients: iron, calcium, Vitamin D, zinc and B complex vitamins.

Given the importance of nutrients for maintaining nutritional status, especially after a surgical intervention, know that at Belt Nutrition you can find the best supplements, including a line specifically for bariatric patients.

Our line includes the Belt+23 Bariatric PLUS Multivitamin and Multimineral, whose formulation was developed based on evidence that bariatric patients have impaired absorption of several nutrients. Therefore, it is the ideal product for this situation.

Finally, it is important to emphasize that care with regard to the after-effects of bariatric surgery should begin in the preoperative period, in order to strengthen the immune system and ensure the adequate amount of nutrients in the body so that the procedure can be performed.

So you should already think about the after-effects before the surgery, this is the best way to avoid negative outcomes and ensure the success of the procedure.

You can count on our products both pre- and post-operative, as directed by your doctor and nutritionist.